Bienale Koper


December 14, 2018
gost Jacoberger Elise
It was a great pleasure to be a part of the 2018 edition of the festival. The atmosphere, the perfect organisation, the warm people and the enthusiastic public will stay in mind. I whish a long life to the Biennale of Koper!
Thank you Tatjana Jercog and Michele Marelli for your wonderful work.

December 12, 2018
gost Angela Dillon Bussi
Tatjana e Michele generosi ed entusiasti, oltreché veri artisti. Amano il bello. E lo realizzano. Grazie per tutto.

December 12, 2018
gost Florence Mulot
Ce fût une grande joie de découvrir ce festival!
Ça m’a fait très plaisir de constater qu’il y a encore des festivals comme celui de Koper qui a une vraie âme, un public jeune, diversifié et à l’ecoute, avec des gens chaleureux et passionnés qui l’organisent.
En dehors des modèles pré établis qu’on retrouve dans de trop nombreuses salles en Europe, de vrais choix de programmation sont faits, en laissant un espace ouvert à des musiciens engagés (et même pour certains qui sont en chemin), à des expressions multiples. À Koper, il y a une belle et sincère place accordée aux partages, en toute (et si bienfaisante) simplicité!
Merci à Tatjana et Michele, et à toute l’équipe, pour leur accueil, leur engagement, leur dévouement et leur sourire.
Longue vie au Festival de musique contemporaine de Koper!

December 10, 2018
gost Irina Pirjevec
Izredno zanimiv prvi koncert, s tolkali iz kamna, trobento, izvrstnim Dekliškim pevskim zborom pod vodstvom Maje Cilenšek in vsemi solistkami iz zbora. Koncert s polno koncentracijo publike.
Hvala, Biennale.

December 10, 2018
gost Emanuele Torquati
It was inspiring and refreshing to take part in such an intimate and special Festival.
Organization was just flawless, AD MAIORA!

December 09, 2018
gost Davide Coppola
One of the few lights for the contemporary music and art in the surrounding region. Generosity, professionality, high-level quality of artists and repertoires.
Thanks to the wonderful work of Tatjana Jercog and Michele Marelli.

December 09, 2018
gost Marina Žlender
Bienale Koper ima magijo ustvarjalnega okolja z vrhunskimi umetniki ter svežino in pristnost, ki jo tako pogosto pogrešamo na velikih festivalih. Hvaležna sem za to čudovito izkušnjo!

December 08, 2018
gost Mauricio Valdés
Impressive festival, in so many ways.
With big range of repertoire, the highest level of performance; nice and well equipped venues, with people of all ages.
Organizers with super attitude and good chemistry between the assistants.
I was happy to attend to the concerts,
Thanks a lot.

December 08, 2018
gost Francesco Dillon
A very special and precious festival with a fresh and genuine attitude to new and aventurous music!
Bravi e continuate cosi!

December 05, 2018
gost Franci Krevh
Zelo vesel, da tudi v Kopru občinstvo z zanimanjem in navdušenjem sprejema sodobno glasbo.
Posebne čestitke producentom za odlično organizacijo.

April 29, 2014
gost Ashley Hribar
HVALA! for making this such a special event.
It was such a pleasure to perform here and be part of the magical atmosphere.
Great audiences, fantastic venues, artists and performances Looking forward to the next one! :)
regards, Ashley

April 22, 2014
gost Steven Loy
Congratulations on a fantastic, high-level festival!
Looking forward to the next one!

April 22, 2012
gost Yamila
Very nice experience, and a great festival!
Thanks for the amazing organization.

April 21, 2012
gost Alberto
Fantastica organizzazione, super ospitalita', dove si trova un altro festival cosi'????!!!
Un abbraccione con nostalgia dall'Olanda. A presto speriamo

April 20, 2012
gost Salvatore Frega
Complimenti per il grande Festival.
Stare a contatto con grandi artisti e lavorare con loro e stato un vero privilegio.
Spero che questo possa essere un grande inizio per collaborare insieme.
Tanti Saluti a tutti.

April 20, 2012
gost Fabio Nieder
en malen festival.perfektna organizacija.visok nivo izvajalcev.pazljiva publika.
entuziasticni otroci.cudovita atmosfera.simpatija.toplota srca.prisrcna gostoljubnost.
Ta je lepota.tam je prihodnost.
najlepsa hvala.

April 19, 2012
gost Ivan Penov
I was honored and pleased to be your guest this year and it was satisfying to see the festival growing every year.
Thank you for your hospitality!

April 18, 2012
gost Nives Pavlic
Popolna osvezitev za Koper....Uzdusje je bilo enkratno!!
Hvala vsem ki ste ustrajali in ustrajate da imamo taksen festival na Obali...Se popolnoma strinjam z Rikom!!BRAVO!

April 18, 2012
gost Mirjana Gvozdenac
Odlično! Odlično!
Ne samo koncerti, tudi vzdušje!
Bravo in hvala. Mirjana

Pa ta glasba je super cool!
Leo (7 let)

April 18, 2012
gost Ashley Hribar
Thanks for such an inspiring festival-beautifully presented and played! Looking forward to the next one.

April 17, 2012
gost Friderik King
To je bil najboljši festival v Kopru in daleč čez mejo!
Vrhunsko delo Tatjani!